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Spain 2€ commemorative coin 2023 - The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU

7,00 €
Qty.: - +
Feature: The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU

Description: The design shows two images. The first one is the logo of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU. Surrounding the logo are the captions: “ESPANA 2023 – PRESIDENCIA ESPANOLA and ‘CONSEJO DE LA UNION EUROPEA’ (Spain 2023 – Spanish Presidency and Council of the European Union). The second image, in the lower part, represents the mint mark of the Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre Real Casa de la Moneda with the crowned ‘M’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 1 500 000 coins
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Feature: The 100th anniversary of the first blood transfusion in Slovakia

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Issuing volume: 1 000 000 coins

Issuing date: March 2023
7,00 €
Feature: Peace

Description: The coin is dedicated to Peace among nations and to friendly and mutually beneficial coexistence. The search for peace must sit on a collective effort towards a common purpose. In the current highly polarized geopolitical context, this coin is aimed to help remind of the urgence to protect the priceless asset that is peace. The design radially displays the word ‘PAZ’ (PEACE) in the 16 official idioms spoken in all 20 countries of the Euro Zone as of January 2023. The inscription at the top reads ‘PORTUGAL’, followed by the year of issuance ‘2023’ at the top right; at the top left is the name of the designer ‘José S. Teixeira’ and at the left the mintmark ‘CASA DA MOEDA’, the name of the Portuguese Mint. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 1 015 000 coins

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7,00 €
Feature: The 150th anniversary of the birth of Josip Plemelj (mathematician and astronomer)

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Issuing volume: 1 000 000 coins

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7,00 €